Blog — The Being Place | Life Coaching for Wholehearted Living

Marna Fujimoto-Pihl

Put on your water wings.

When you rest,
you catch your breath
and it holds you up,
like water wings.
~Anne Lamott

This quote found me today. Like a gift dropping out of the sky and landing at my feet - or, in this case, landing on my cell phone screen - it was exactly what I needed to hear, exactly when I needed to hear it. I felt my whole body exhale with a big "Yesss..."


Is self-care at the bottom of your "to-do" list?

We have all heard how important it is to take care of our health and well-being. And we understand intuitively that we're no good to anyone else if we’re running on empty.

But it can feel self-indulgent or impractical to put our needs at the top of the ”to-do” list - or even add them at all - because there’s so much other stuff demanding our attention.

I know it's felt downright impossible to me at many points in my life - especially during the early days of the pandemic when I was suddenly surrounded by my family 24-7.
