Is it time to put your needs first?

Over the past year and a half, I've been diving deep into the world of emotional and mental resiliency...seeking out, learning and growing skills that will support myself, my family and you through these crazy uncertain times.

If there's one thing that IS certain, is that we've entered into one long period of Reckoning.

For me, it was as though being in lockdown put a spotlight on every part of my life that wasn't working: self-sabotaging patterns, ways I show up (or don't) in relationships, limiting beliefs, bad habits... It's been one long, uncomfortably painful and humbling ride.

Have you found this too?

We're not alone in this - I've heard from a lot of people who've said this has been their experience as well! And we are certainly seeing the process of reckoning happening in our greater society.

For me, it's led to a lot of time spent examining, challenging and replacing outdated conditioning, coping strategies and emotional patterns so that I may show up as the person I know I can be.

Something that's become painfully clear from the past few years is that there is no returning to "before". What I'm seeing is that, as the world becomes increasingly more uncertain and tumultuous, we are consistently being called to "level up", especially in our capacity to meet the people and circumstances of our world where they are at.

But how exactly do we do this? What the heck does "levelling up" mean?

It means taking responsibility for our selves. Because that's the only thing we can control!

And I believe it starts by putting our own self-care first.

It's far from selfish. When we prioritize tending to our mind, bodies and spirit,

  • We have a greater capacity to bounce back in the face of uncertainly, challenge and struggle,

  • We can then show up calmer and more grounded to support the people in our lives,

  • And we gain greater access to the energy, focus, perseverance, creativity, compassion and flexibility required to influence the change we wish to see in the world.

I've experienced both sides of this truth: consistently neglecting my self-care and feeling the fallout it has on my relationships and impact...and also prioritizing myself and seeing the amazing ripple effects it creates!

My journey has led me to this moment...and I can't wait to share with you an exciting new project I am hosting that explores taking responsibility for self-care!

“The Oxygen Mask” community project

This is a free online community project running in the month of May. Each day a busy caregiver or changemaker will share a story with us around what it takes to sustain themselves and their work.

My goal is for us to share stories, experiences, insights, practices and tips that can reframe self-care as being the most practical and impactful thing we can do in our day to create change... and which can provide countless examples of just how simple, accessible, and achievable it can really be.

Here's what you can do to join in the conversation:

  • Sign up on the project page ( to receive the daily emails with each person's contribution (as well as a Two-Minute Tip from me for when self-care feels hard or impossible).

I do hope you'll feel moved to join us! It's a much-needed conversation in these times!