Happy Mother’s Day.
Whether you’re a mother yourself…
…or you’re hoping to be…
…or you’ve been mothered in your life (so, all of us then)…
You have access to a powerfully nurturing presence within you.
My wish is that you remember to turn your nurturing inward, today and every day.
Notice when your own energy seems off, ask yourself what’s wrong?
Listen for the answer.
Let yourself know it’s okay to feel that way.
Forgive yourself for your mistakes.
You’re an imperfect human who’s trying their best. You’re still learning.
Allow yourself to celebrate the small wins.
See the goodness and beauty in yourself.
Notice where you shine - and let yourself feel proud!
Ask for what you truly want & need,
And let yourself receive it fully.
You are absolutely worthy of it all.
And most importantly, sit down for moment, relax, close your eyes and delight in being still.
Give yourself permission to BE, just as you are, for a while.
Know that in this moment,
You have enough.
You are doing enough.
You are enough.
On this day and others, go ahead and fully soak in the love and attention from others.
But don’t expect others to know what you need or want. Don’t wait around for others to give you what you’re longing for.
You get to give yourself the exact attention, words of appreciation and care you’re seeking, whenever you want and need it most.
Don’t forget to be the Mom you need to yourself.
Powerful nurturing starts with YOU.
P.S. If caring for yourself first feels hard, please come join us in The Oxygen Mask project, where we’re exploring taking responsibility for self-care. Sign up any time in May to receive the emails with behind-the-scenes stories of how busy people care for themselves. And come be part of a community of like-minded people who "get" how hard self-care is - join the pop-up Facebook group to exchange thoughts, ideas and experiences, and feel supported on your journey.