Have you ever walked away from an interaction with someone and wondered if you made a good impression on them?
Ever left a conversation with that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that you did NOT show up as the best version of yourself...and you’re worried about the impact it will have on that relationship?
Of course you have. We ALL have. Because HUMAN!
Those are moments when how we showed up was not in alignment, ie. in integrity, with our values. Our values are the things we perceive to be the most important in the world. They are the principles we Stand For as a human.
Now let’s try the opposite scenario…
Think back to an experience where you left an interaction with someone feeling GREAT about how you showed up - because if felt easy, natural and energizing! - and you just knew they had the same experience.
YESSSS. Boy, do those moments feel good, huh?
The truth is, we have hundreds of opportunities each day to show up in integrity with who we are and what we stand for and create positive impactful experiences for others.
But it has to start with knowing what you value. Being super clear on what you stand for. And being intentional about the experience you want people to have when they interact with you.
So here’s an invitation to you to pause from all the Doing and take some time to focus on who you’re Being.
Who you are IS your brand. Your brand of leadership, a personal brand, your small business brand, your brand of parenting, all of it.
Want to live with more intention and positive impact? Want to experience more ease, joy and flow in your life and work? I invite you to explore Who You Are and set an intention to live in a way that honours that.
If you’re in the London area on October 21, join me for a 2-hour workshop where I’ll walk you through some powerful questions to get you thinking about who you are and how you can bring more of your true self into your daily life.
Or, if you’d appreciate more on-going support and a deeper exploration of who you are and the unique value you bring to the world, message me to set a time to chat!
Here’s to showing up as the best version of YOU.