Airborne delight
I’ve just come back from a training retreat, and I’m still letting everything I’ve experienced sink in. I will share a post soon about this, but in the meantime, I thought I’d share a poem from my travels.
I hope you enjoy!
Airborne Delight
I depart,
allowing myself to be whisked away into the skies.
all my responsible adult concerns slide away with gravity
and I greet the beaming inner child
who’s waiting there for me among the clouds.
I’m thrilled
by the whir of propellers in motion,
stirring up excitement
for the adventure that awaits me.
I’m captivated
by the glowing sunrise
that illuminates the stillness below.
I imagine
all the tiny people
are now rubbing their tiny eyes,
taking that first sip from their tiny mugs,
before starting their day.
I’m fascinated
by the neat, orderly squares of the fields.
Each one looks velvety smooth,
like a green foam block
used in flower vases.
Some squares are pristine,
some have softened cracks or blemishes,
some have visible hills hiding beneath,
like cats hiding under blankets.
Every few squares of field are padded
by small forests that look like soft moss.
I feel inspired
by the vast landscape before me.
Farm country, stretching out flat toward the horizon.
I’m in awe of all those farmers who work hard
to provide the food that I eat.
I’m charmed
by the glistening lakes
with their magical mist floating above them.
And then, in a mass of forest below
a sudden circle of trees appears within it
Someone has clearly planted this
as a surprise for airbourne onlookers like me.
We get closer to the city,
and I’m amused
by all the tiny cars and trucks,
the lines of little ants setting out on their day’s mission
By the rows of tiny cookie cutter houses.
By the cluster of delicate hydro towers,
and the rhythmic swooping lines of telephone wires.
I’m overjoyed
by the satisfying bump
as we land safely on the other end of our journey.
By the warmth of the rising sun on my face
as we make our drive to the gate.
By the thrilling view of dozens of planes waiting,
moving slowly like Jurassic giants.
I have arrived,
and I am delighted.