It's certainly been a hard year for all of us. It's forced us again and again to face what we're most challenged by... whether it's uncomfortable emotions... the loss of what's important to us... deeply-held limiting beliefs... problematic behaviours within us, our loved ones or the world at large... or all of the above!
It's been one long period of reckoning, hasn't it? And, with reckoning, comes the possibility of growth.
For me, one of the biggest places I've grown has been in my capacity for self care.
I've witnessed myself move from an Intellectual knowing that self-care is important (and struggling to make it happen consistently) to a Soul knowing that I'm worthy of self-care (AND I have the power to make it happen). This has been HUGE for me, as I come from a long line of martyrs!
Of course, it's still a work in progress, but the biggest discovery I've made this year has been how easy it can be to fill my well again by "stealing back" small moments in my day.
And I'm so committed to supporting YOU in putting yourself first, in service of your highest Self and the people in your life.
I'm passionate about creating safe, sacred spaces where people have permission to BE.
We all need time to pause in our days. We all long for a place where we can escape to - where ALL aspects of ourselves are welcome and there's no need to fix or change any of it.
A refuge. A resting place. An opportunity to press RESET.
And with that in mind, I'm excited to invite you to the first (of many, I hope!):
On Tuesday, March 16, join me on Facebook Live from 1:00-1:20 pm EST to PAUSE from all the DOING, catch your breath and re-center in your BEING place.
For twenty whole minutes, you don’t have to DO anything, aside from tune in and give yourself permission to be present.
I'll lead you through a guided meditation that's one of my personal favourites, guaranteed to leave you feeling more grounded as you re-enter your day.
It's a simple and beautiful way to "steal back" some of your power. Because, as I'm always learning, we don't have to let the circumstances of our day define us. We get to choose how we show up. And why not choose to feel re-centered, re-aligned and rejuvenated?
You are certainly worthy of this gift to yourself.