How to live in uncertainty

As we head into Fall, it feels like we've reached another level of anxiety and overwhelm, doesn't it?

There's so much crazy s#%t happening in the world - and we just don't know how any of it will play out. Meanwhile, we're expected to go about our daily life with our fingers very, very crossed. And that doesn't feel reassuring at all!

If one thing’s become clear over the past year, it’s that we humans don't deal well with extended uncertainty. When given the choice, I'm betting most of us would opt for knowing a negative outcome now over waiting indefinitely for an unknown outcome. We wish to know how the story ends. Because then, at least, we could use our time and energy productively to prepare ourselves!

When we don't have any choice but to wait, it's easy to start worrying about what-ifs and worst-case scenarios. In fact, it feels urgent that we address them Right Now.

Sound about right?

And we can find ourselves spending a lot of our time and energy trying to create a fool-proof plan to either avoid or cope with these future scenarios... and ruminating over how ill-prepared, incompetent and incapable - how not enough - we feel to face them.

Can you relate? Me too.

Fortunately, when you feel yourself headed down the spiral - with the Panicked Voice getting louder and louder - you can choose to step off that course and onto another.

You can start by sitting in stillness. And then listen for a different voice.

It's quieter, but it's confident, reassuring and wise.

It's the voice of your inner Nurturing Parent, and it has this truth to share:

You don't have to worry about figuring everything out. Whatever happens, we'll face it together - and we'll get through it.

For now, let’s simply put one foot in front of the other and pay attention to how each footstep feels.

The outcome isn't important. The means are all that matter.

Notice what your experience of hearing these words is.

Do you feel the resonance of truth in it? Did you relax a little?

Are you wondering what this looks like in everyday life?

Here are a few practical things you can do each day:

  1. Practice mindfulness. Take opportunities to come into the Present moment as frequently as you can in your day. Slow down and notice your surroundings. Sit in stillness. Breathe. Lean into gratitude.

  2. Create special routines - sacred rituals - to mark your day. Routines provide predictability and a feeling of control, and savouring what you’re doing means you’re in the present moment. Special rituals could include a set of morning stretches, washing your face (or hands!), special coffee time, a walk around the block after lunch. The more rituals, the merrier.

  3. Engage in more activities that help you let go and be "in the flow." Seize opportunities to play with your kids, lose yourself in creative activities, dance like no one's watching, or simply put up your feet and indulge in your favourite movies, TV shows or music albums. 

Putting our focus on relishing each step forward just may be our greatest defense against the overwhelm of uncertainty.
