Sometimes Life has to throw a few obstacles in our way to get us headed on the right path.
For years I struggled to prioritize my self care. Though I longed for an early morning yoga practice, I also believed that this kind of “indulgence” was “just not possible.” As long as I was expected to care for others, I told myself, my needs and desires would have to come last.
It took a pulled knee muscle that evolved into a locked hip and lower back - and an incredible amount of pain - before I realized I had to start putting my own needs first or I wouldn't be able to care for anyone!
The day after I visited the chiropractor, I woke up before anyone else and hobbled over to a spot on my bedroom floor. I did the few exercises she gave me. It felt so good to move my body in this way. So I added in some gentle stretches and yoga poses I remembered from one of my favourite yoga videos.
It felt amazing. I ended by setting an intention for my day, and left my spot on the rug feeling profoundly calm, centered, energized and so much better.
The next day I did it all again. And the next day. And the next.
This practice took less than 10 minutes out of my day - which is all I typically had before my 2-year old would wake up. If he happened to sleep in, though, I'd drink up every ounce of extra time I could, savoring an extra neck roll, forward bend or Child’s Pose.
I cherished that early morning solitude. The peace and quiet. The ease. No one demanding anything from me. Just me and my body, spending some quality time together, rekindling the relationship we used to have when I did yoga all those years ago.
I don't even have to be fully awake to do this practice. Some days I literally roll out of bed and do the exercises with my eyes closed, easing myself into the waking world. I always leave feeling energized, centered and ready to take on anything.
Since that first day more than two years ago, I've come back to this practice again and again.
It's what I now lovingly refer to as My Sacred Practice.
I call it sacred because it truly is. It feels so special, so blissful, so rewarding, and it works every single time, giving me near magical powers whenever I feel depleted, anxious or overwhelmed.
When life gets challenging, full or chaotic, sacred practices like this are our anchor, our touchstone. They don't have to be fancy or time-consuming. Short, simple moments in our day - done intentionally - have the power to replenish us and give us the energy, strength, resources and wisdom we need to face what’s in our path, and show up better for others.
What routines do you have in your life? What rituals would you like to start? How can you make these feel sacred so they become a source of power for you?