So... September's here.
We're about to head into the next phase of this giant social experiment called How To Live Life In A Pandemic.
Like you, I'm anxious about how this will all play out.
Like you, I'm frustrated at the continued restrictions on my ability to be in the world and connect with others.
Like you, I'm overwhelmed by the decisions I have to make when there are so many unknowns, complications and what ifs.
In the midst of all this heightened uncertainty, though, I've come to know a place I can visit whenever I need relief from the anxiety, frustration and overwhelm - and countless other emotions.
My kids and I have named this place Calm Island.
A few months ago we set up a Calming Corner in our living room: some beanbag chairs, posters and sensory items. I was recently saying to my oldest that I wanted a rug to anchor the space, so it would feel like its own island. We laughed at the image of swimming wildly away from the source of our anger to get to Calm Island.
But the truth is, we don't need a rug or corner of our living room to go there. This magical Island can exist wherever and whenever we need it.
For example, you can create Calm Island on your bedroom floor in the wee hours of the morning when you can't sleep. You can create it in the car after a particularly stressful day at work. Or, you can create it in the bathroom if that's the only place to temporarily escape shrieking, wild children. You can create it wherever you find momentary solitude and safety.
Another beautiful thing is you don't need to pack anything to visit Calm Island. Sure, you could take a cozy blanket and cup of tea. Or earbuds and some relaxing music. But you may find the most enriching visits are the ones where you just show up as you are.
To settle into Calm Island, simply pause what you're doing, close your eyes and breathe deeply for as long as you need. If it helps, you can imagine your tension washing away with each exhale. Or, you can let out whatever emotions need to be released - without judgment or attempt to fix them. Keep breathing and releasing, and you'll notice yourself feeling more calm, centered and in control.
And there you have it. Your own self-made island getaway. May you visit often!
P.S. As our children enter into this Brave New World of learning, it's going to be critical for parents and caregivers to create emotional safety for our kids. Creating Calm Islands with our kids is one way we can do that. If you'd like to explore other ways, message me and we can chat!
The Island that inspired it all.