Let’s face it, we all have situations in our lives that feel hard, confusing, frustrating, scary or overwhelming.
For example:
A difficult conversation we know we need to have - but really don’t want to!
A project or task that feels so daunting we don’t know where to start.
A small, precious(!) window of free time that we could/should spend in so many different ways.
A big, important, life-altering decision we need to make.
It’s times like these that our thoughts can go into overdrive: analyzing pros and cons, playing out many different scenarios, rationalizing, second-guessing, worrying about ways it could all go wrong.
Our hearts race. Our breathing quickens. We tense up. It feels like a part of us is standing there with hands on hips saying: “C’mon, do something already!” while another part wants to say, “NO! I don’t want to! It’s too hard!” - or hide under the covers until it’s all done. ;-)
I have felt like this too many times to count - especially in my journeys as an entrepreneur and parent!
But I’ve come to rely on a simple practice that calms and focuses me instantly, and connects me to a clear desired outcome and next right step.
The practice, known as Order Form To The Universe (created by Heather Dominick), invites you to get fully present, consider the situation or task, and write as many answers as you can to the following questions:
What DON’T I want (to have happen)?
What DON’T I want to feel?
What DO I want (to have happen)?
What DO I want to feel?
How do I want OTHERS to feel?
These questions will help you get crystal clear on your desired outcome… and, in doing so, the means - the HOW - becomes much clearer as well. Then, all you need to do is take the next inspired action, with gratitude and trust that it will set in motion the outcome you seek.
This practice connects you to your higher self so you can take action that’s in alignment. It helps you take ownership of the reality you are creating. And that’s pretty powerful.
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