Bits of Beautiful Being

Have you been feeling like it’s all a bit too much lately?

I know I have. With everything going on in my life and the world, my capacity to focus, retain things, stay motivated, and take on anything new has diminished significantly.

I noticed I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the things demanding my attention, taking up my brain & heart space, cluttering my desktop, vying for space in my calendar, etc., so I started de-cluttering, filtering and streamlining like crazy to create some much-needed mental space. That's helping a lot.

But the thing that's helping me the most?

I've been adding more spaciousness into my days.

That is, I'm taking opportunities to come into the present moment and enjoy it fully.

For example, the other day before a call, I cozied up under a soft, fuzzy blanket, put on soothing music and LED candles, sipped warm tea, and gave my cat some head scratches and belly rubs. It felt divine! And I exclaimed, I want to do this EVERY day!

It was just 5-10 minutes of allowing myself to slow down and completely relax.

A bit of Beautiful Being sprinkled into my day.

And you know what? That small moment transformed my energy for the whole day!

So…why not sprinkle bits of Beautiful Being into your day too?

Here are just a few ways you might choose to do this:

  • Eat lunch away from your desk and, while you eat, journal about something that's on your mind.

  • Take a pause between meetings - or stop in the middle of a stressful task - to close your eyes and breathe deeply for 10 breaths.

  • As you walk somewhere, put your attention on noticing how the light hits the coloured leaves, or what shapes you can spot in the clouds.

  • Wash some dishes, and enjoy the warm water, the bubbles, the motion of scrubbing, the drying.

  • Make a delicious snack and eat it by taking tiny bites so you can savour it all and make it last longer (I love to use tiny spoons for this purpose!)

You can sneak bits of Beautiful Being anywhere in your day. They don't have to take much time at all - and they don't require fuzzy blankets and a cat!

But they do feel exquisite and refill your cup so you are operating at your best.

Let these bits of Beautiful Being in your day be a celebration of your mattering on this earth.

You deserve to feel so deeply nourished, centered and alive. YOU ARE WORTH IT.

blond woman in tuque eyes closed looking to fall sky.jpeg