We all need to ask for help at times.
There are some situations that feel too daunting, confusing, stressful or overwhelming to handle on our own. And we have tasks, projects, goals, visions and dreams which require the support of others to realize.
We can certainly go directly to our family, friends, neighbours and communities for help. But there’s another source of support we can turn to, which is always available and willing to help.
Call it whatever resonates for you: God, Goddess, Allah, Universe, Great Spirit, Universal Love, Unseen Friends, Divine, Source… the name doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you can find a part of yourself that believes this higher power is a loving, benevolent energy that wants to help us all bring out the highest, most loving expression of ourselves.
When we pay attention, we see this higher power has a way of providing us with what we truly want and need to evolve. When we put out the energy of “I need help” or “I want this”, the universe will deliver it in any number of ways: coincidences, “lucky breaks”, the right contacts at the right time, blessings in disguise, people or circumstances that challenge us to grow…
This “evolutionary support” does not always appear in the form we’d expect or prefer, but it is being delivered to us, constantly.
The great news is, we don’t have to sit here feeling powerless, hoping the universe will send some support or relief soon!
We can co-create with the universe in a proactive, deliberate way.
Here are 3 RULES of effective communication to making clear, compelling REQUESTS FOR HELP.
Use positive language to frame your request.
Put simply, ask for what you DO want, not for what you don’t want.
We paint pictures with our words and these have an energy associated with it. Framing our requests in the positive helps us create the right energy and makes it easier to understand the message. Take an ask like: “Please don’t let me completely blank on this presentation!” You get a vivid image of someone standing there like a deer the headlights, feeling anxious and humiliated, right? This word picture is so powerful, that the “Don’t” part before it doesn’t have much effect.
Same goes for a prayer of “Stop the divisiveness and hate”… it will be infused with fear, anger & despair.
Also, if you were speaking to a person, their brains would have to work doubly hard to interpret the opposite action so they understand what they can do to help.
Finally, if you’re in a noisy place (which I imagine the universe might be???) and the first word is missed, the whole message would be misunderstood completely.
The above request could be reframed as “Send me the right words at the right time during my presentation.”
Be as specific as possible.
The more details you provide, the easier it is for the universe to understand how they can help.
As a dear coach friend once told me: Make requests from the universe like you would order pizza. You wouldn’t call up a pizza place and say “Please send me pizza.” The person on the other end would be left wondering: how many, what size, what toppings, when, where?
Make your ask as detailed as possible. For example: “Please send me a new freelancing gig, worth $3,000, by next Friday, designing websites for a social justice non-profit full of sweet people who are easy to work with.”
There isn’t any confusion there in what you want, is there?
NOTE: The universe may not always deliver things in exactly the form you “ordered”, but being clear with the specific details can help you be more alert for the delivery - and more amazed and appreciative of how it arrives!
Infuse your request with the emotional energy you want to experience.
This is the most important element of your ask. The energy you put out will be matched in what you receive back.
Let yourself envision what success will look like. What will this support make possible? Why is that so important to you? Let yourself experience those emotions as if your request was already answered.
Being clear about the emotional outcome you desire gives both you and the universe an indicator of success. If the support doesn’t show up in the exact way you expect, you’ll still recognize it by how it feels.
Those are the three simple rules to create clear, effective and compelling requests to the universe. (As I’m sure you noticed, they are highly effective in making asks for help in the human world too!)
Let this practice empower you.
It can give you a sense of control in this crazy world when you are proactively attending to your needs, putting positive energy out there and actively receiving help to further your dreams.
This practice of making requests of the universe will definitely help you build and strengthen your “asking for help” and “receiving” muscles in the human world too. 😁