A magical power that's within you

This morning I was walking with my four-year-old, when he tripped and fell on the pavement. At first he started wailing, but then he and I quickly worked our magic together to move him from that initial shock and unbearable stinging to feeling calm, cool and collected.

What was the magic we used?

Deep breathing.

We have a saying in our house:  "Use your magical breath!"

Deep breathing has been getting us through countless injuries, waves of frustration and anger, needing to go to the bathroom badly, anxiety and overwhelm... you name it!

I first experienced the true magic of breathing while in labour. My two kids were born naturally - even with some painful complications! - and without a doubt, I know it was because I kept on breathing deeply throughout it.

Breathing deeply kept me rooted firmly in the present moment - so I wasn't concerned with what might go wrong. It made the pain and discomfort more bearable, and it connected me right to my power and strength... and a knowing that "I Can Do This."

My breath carried me steadily through those two epic journeys!

Since that incredible revelation, any time I injure myself or find myself feeling out of control or overwhelmed, I've gone back to that deep breathing and found that it calms me instantly and returns my power to me.

While I've used breathwork with my kids over the years, it wasn't until I started framing it as being magical that it really "took off" with them (yep, marketing is everything!)

I call breathing a magical power because it is.

Think about it: Isn't it a miracle that, for those of us without respiratory issues, we can breathe all day and night long without even thinking about it?! Our breath is sustaining our life and yet it comes effortless to us! And what’s more, we can use it any time to consciously heal ourselves and make us feel calmer, stronger and more capable!

It's a freakin' superpower!

I wanted to share this with you because I realized today that I’ve witnessed such a huge change in my kids - and myself - since I've introduced the tool of Magical Breath into our family. The level of calm in our family has become much more consistent, and I know my kids' sense of what they are capable of enduring has greatly expanded. Mine has too.  ;-)

Deep breathing is a powerful tool you can use to manage your energy any time you're feeling out of control or overwhelmed.

So go ahead: unleash that magical power of yours!

And breathe in the knowledge it carries:

You Can Do This.
