My offering to the world

You can choose to follow your heart always.

~ Miguel Angel Ruiz

Ever feel like daily life keeps getting in the way of your happiness? Or, that you’re stuck in a rut and you’re not sure what to do if/when you eventually get out?

This blog is about living with intention. It’s about designing the life you want to live and deciding how you want to show up in the world each day.

Each week I will be sharing my favourite books, podcasts, exercises, quotes and more to get you thinking about how you intend to live your life.

Let’s face it -- it’s verrry easy to get caught up in being busy. We all race from one obligation to the next and may begin to feel resentful of the demands being made on our time. We find ourselves acting – and reacting – in ways that don’t serve us, or those around us. And, we may wonder, what it is all for? What path are we on anyway? When was the last time we actually did something that made us truly happy?

I am no stranger to this struggle. My bumpy journey has led me to work with a life coach on several occasions, and what has followed has been a path of deep self-exploration and the discovery of my life purpose. I am excited to share with you the resources that have helped me along the way.

Last June I completed my 6-month certification program to become a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC). As a coach, I am devoted to helping you embrace the truth of who you really are, clarify your compelling life purpose and learn how to “get out of your own way” so you can follow your heart.

And no, even though I'm a life coach, I haven't got my life all figured out. There are times when I find myself back on the old ‘treadmill of life’ instead of the path I wish to be on. I can still go on autopilot instead of choosing my responses and actions. And I continue to battle things that threaten to keep me at a standstill, like perfectionism, fear of failure, and lack of confidence.

The truth of the matter is, I will forever be a work-in-progress like everyone else. Our imperfections and unfinished-ness is what makes us human!

Being on a journey of self-exploration and deliberate action makes life so much richer. The more I get to know myself and push the limits of what I thought I was capable of, the more my purpose evolves and deepens. And I can choose to spend each moment of my day doing things in service of who I want to become.

This is my offering to the world.

What do want YOUR offering be?

What do want YOUR offering be?