
What is your heart whispering?

"It's impossible," said pride.

"It's risky," said experience,

"It's pointless," said reason.

"Give it a try," whispered the heart.


We all find ways to talk ourselves out of our big dreams. Fear is always at the heart of it, even when the voices are sounding quite logical. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of embarrassment, fear of judgment, fear of no one noticing, fear of putting in lots of work for nothing, fear of never finishing. To name a few. ;-)

These voices get loudest, the bigger the dream or goal and the more it aligns with what your heart wants. The voices have the best of intentions: to keep you safe and comfortable in your living room. But who wants to stay parked on their couch forever? Where's the ALIVENESS and MAGIC in that?

Living a deliberate life is about listening to the heart's call and deciding to answering it.

Challenge: What's your heart whispering for you to try? What's a tiny next step you could take on the path toward it?
