Welcome to The Being Place.

Finally. I feel like I’ve arrived at my destination after a long journey.

And yet, all that was needed to arrive was simply me being where I already am.

Oh, the irony. I’ve been fighting so hard to get somewhere for over a year now. I’ve been working nonstop trying to figure everything out, plan ahead, get it all right, do more. I’ve been trapped in the energy of DOING DOING DOING but getting absolutely nowhere. It’s felt for a long time now that I’ve been running on a hamster wheel, endlessly trying to get the wheel to travel forward.

Honestly, it’s been exhausting.

So, imagine my surprise when I turned my attention to BEING instead of DOING, and the name for my business fell right into my lap. Instantly, everything started clicking into place. My vision and mission. Every type of client I’d ever thought about serving. Everything I’d ever considered offering. Every name and tagline and metaphor I’d been mulling over…they were all suddenly held in this one big beautiful container.

The Being Place.

In the Being Place, I feel grounded, purposeful, alive, free.

In the Being Place, who I am matters more than what I’m achieving.

In the Being Place, there’s so much ease to be found in the action.

In fact, as soon as I had the concept, I went home and accomplished more in the 2 hours that followed than I’d accomplished in months.

Wow. The energy of Being is powerful stuff!

It’s been a long journey for me to get to Being. I’ve been Doing my whole life - and attempting to Do Perfectly - because I believed that I had to accomplish things to get attention, praise and love. I’ve never believed I was good enough, and now I can see how the constant and incessant Doing were just Proving, Planning, Perfecting, Pleasing…as Brene Brown says, Hustling for my Worthiness.

For the past 3 months, I’ve been on an intense healing journey to come home to Being. I’ve had major breakthroughs and felt huge internal shifts happening. The more coaching and healing work I do, the more ways to keep myself small and hidden I let go of, and I recognize the beautiful Being who has been there, shining beneath all along.

And I see clearly now, this work has been mine to do so that I may serve others in helping them do it as well.

I guide people in unearthing their genius and unleashing their full potential. I coach people to know and celebrate their unique gifts, to understand their greater purpose in life, and to get out of their own way so they can bring themselves - and others - alive.

This is transformational, revolutionary work.

We do not have to believe the stories we’ve been told or been telling ourselves about how insignificant we are and what we should do to be considered valuable in this world.

We can write a new, more powerful story for ourselves.

What about you? Do you long to know who you truly are and where you uniquely add value in this world? Are you feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, exhausted and resentful about all the things you feel you have to do just to get ahead?

Who do you long to be?

I’d love to welcome you into the Being Place, and witness you come alive and thrive. Let’s set up a time to chat.
