Longing for a pause in your day? Wish you had a space you could retreat to, where you could take refuge from the demands of the day, process them, connect to how you truly feel about it all?

From 1:00-1:20 pm EST, join me as we take a PAUSE from all the DOING to slow down, catch our breath and re-center...to just BE for awhile.

I'll lead you through a guided meditation that's guaranteed to leave you feeling more grounded as you re-enter your day.

Taking time for a Reset in your day is a way of taking your personal power back. Because YOU get to choose how you'll show up in the rest of your day - and why not have it be re-centered, re-aligned, rejuvenated?

So, invite you to find a quiet spot - or put in your ear buds, tune in, and give yourself permission to be fully present.

It's a beautiful gift to give yourself in the middle of a stressful day.