
It all started when…

Are you finding yourself:

Feeling pulled in too many directions, with too much on your pla

I work with women who feel spread too thin and fed up to finally overcome patterns of overcommitment and overwhelm, so they have the space, freedom and energy to do what really brings them alive, lets them thrive and lets them have the impact they desire/they were born to create in this world. / follow their dream /  go after what they truly desire /  focus on what’s important in their lives / create a bigger, better life

Perhaps you are:

  • A small business owner, trying to do all the “right things” to get clients, but you’re not getting anywhere. You’re losing hope, feeling drained, and resenting all the time you’re spending on your business, when you’d rather just be doing the thing you went into business for in the first place!

  • A professional, working long hours in a stressful job where you feel unsupported or underappreciated. Maybe you dread going to work because it makes you feel frustrated, jaded and unmotivated - and you’re worried you’ll disappoint people for because you’re not doing your best work.

  • A mom of young kids, juggling all the details and workload of your job, appointments, school. housework and more. You’re overwhelmed and exhausted by the never ending to-dos, resentful you don’t have more support, and feel terrible that you spend more time nagging, wrangling and yelling than enjoying your kids and having fun with them.

No matter who you are, if you’re currently feeling overworked, overwhelmed and unfulfilled, I’m so glad you’ve found your way here!

Take a pause from all the Doing and relax into the Being place.

Hi, I'm Marna! A coach, entrepreneur, creative spirit, mom & community builder dedicated to helping you uncover & live the story you're here to tell. My passion is guiding women who feel overworked, overwhelmed and unfulfilled to break free of patterns of obsessive achieving and giving and embrace lives rich with ease, joy and purpose. I'm so excited to welcome you into The Being Place....a place where you can truly 'come alive' and thrive! Here we love who you already are, celebrate who you're becoming, and unleash the magic you were born to create!

Perhaps you are:

  • Overwhelmed, exhausted and resentful of all the hustling, juggling balls, and endless to-do lists.

  • Frustrated because you’re spread so thin you can’t deliver your best work or BE your best self.

  • Feeling guilty about all the balls you’re dropping….and for not spending more quality time with your kids or partner.

  • Fed up with this “making it though the week” existence - you’re tired of always talking about how busy you are!

  • Missing the old days: “I used to have fun - what happened to all the fun?”

  • Feeling some despair: “There’s got to be more for me than this!”

But there is another way. It’s about doing less and being more. It’s about feeling more ease, joy, purpose and freedom in your life. It’s about living a greater story - the story you were born to tell.

Welcome to The Being Place.

Where we take a pause from all the craziness…we breathe deeply…and we focus on what matters most: taking time to celebrate the gift YOU are, and designing a life that lights you up, gives you energy, and lets you do the most good.

I know you’re a big-hearted, ambitious, creative soul who wants MORE from life. You want to make the world a better place. You want to live a life full of meaning, joy and purpose.

And yet…

I just want life to feel FUN again!

Remember a time when life used to feel easier? When you used to LOVE what you do? When you used to be more spontaneous and feel Alive?

It’s gotten lost in all the whirlwind of Life…..And you long to have it back!

I know you’re a big-hearted, ambitious, creative soul who wants MORE from life. You want to spend your days on the things that matter, that are truly important to you - like relationships, having fun, going after your dreams, taking care of your body, making the world a better place. You like to challenge yourself and accomplish things, but you also crave ease, space, relaxation.

I know this story, because I’ve been here too. Especially after I had kids and started my own business. I got so caught up in doing “all the things” I thought I was supposed to do: check things off the list, do everything on my own, meet everyone’s expectations, put my own needs last, push through, always look like I know what I’m doing and have it all together…..In short, be SUPERWOMAN.

Maybe you can relate?

Over the years, I’ve done a lot of inner work, and have reclaimed so much ease, fun, purpose…and freedom! And, because life is a journey, I continue to reclaim them even more every day.

You don’t have to feel spread too thin. You don’t have to feel guilt or shame that you’re not performing at your best. You don’t have to keep Fun as a distant memory. You don’t have to wonder, “is this all there is?”

You can feel alive again. Imagine waking up each day and being so excited to start your day. Imagine moving through your day with ease instead of everything feeling like such a struggle? Imagine getting to choose what you do with your time - and choosing the things that light you up, make you feel alive!

You can choose all of this for yourself. It’s all waiting for you in the Being place.

Curious to know if coaching is right for you?

I do my best work with women who…

  • Love to learn and are willing to try new things in service of learning and growth.

  • Long to get in touch with their creative side

  • Are big-hearted, see the good in people, and care deeply about others.

  • Enjoy being out in nature

  • Are not victims. - they hold themselves accountable, take responsibility for their actions.

  • Believe in a benevolent energy that’s bigger than ourselves, and they are open to exploring and connecting to it.

  • Naturally optimistic and do not complain (much).

  • Do not sit on the sidelines. They take action on things that matter to them.

  • Know personal growth is a process and are eager to redirect their “hard-working energy” into reclaiming their freedom.

No matter who you are, you may be feeling anxious that life is passing you by and you’re not where you thought you’d be. You may be doubting what value you offer, whether you’re experienced enough, or if you have what it takes to succeed.

I know you want more for your life…You long for things to feel easier, to have fun again, to have the freedom you desire, and to feel like you’re making a difference in the world.

We can partner together to clear away what’s holding you back and take action to create a business and life that lets you thrive!