You want to What can I do that will make enough money AND make me feel the most excited and fullfilled?

Who am I meant to serve?

What problem am I being called to solve in the world? And what problems will people actually pay me to solve?

How will I solve this problems? What is it that I do best?

How do I talk about what I do in a clear, concise and compelling way? How do I talk about what I do without rambling or feeling awkward?

You want to How do I get the job I want or the clients I want to work with without pressuring people and feeling icky/salesy?

Some real change. A business, perhaps. Beautiful art, music or craft. A better way of doing things in your organization. Whatever it is, you feel pulled to begin it.

What’s holding you back from going after what you really want?

Are you struggling to move beyond habit and life circumstances to do things that really matter to you? Perhaps you feel selfish if you put yourself first. Or perhaps you don’t feel ready enough, trained enough, expert enough, experienced enough, or confident enough to take the leap?

In a coaching relationship, we work together to design a joyful, energizing and purposeful career and life that brings out your very best and lets you create the impact you want to have in the world.

Here are some of the area I can partner with you on:

  • Discovering & articulating your unique strengths, gifts, values and purpose

  • Developing & communicating your personal brand

  • Discovering & articulating your ideal clients and target market, as well as the problem you solve

  • Developing powerful messaging to tell your story

  • Guidance on how to create awareness in a way that feels authentic and comfortable

  • Achieving more balance between work and life

  • Gaining more confidence in yourself as a business owner

  • Cultivating resilience in the face of setbacks and challenges

Imagine if:

Here’s all the other benefits from working with me:

· Increased awareness and confidence in yourself and the unique value you offer

· Pride and accomplishment as you take actions you know you need to take and see the positive results

· A paradigm shift in how you see marketing – natural, authentic and comfortable

· Increased confidence in yourself and the capacity to handle any business challenge you are faced with (resilience)

· Freedom from physical and emotional stress and anxiety of not being able to pay bills, afford the lifestyle your family was accustomed to, or contribute to the household income as an equal partner

· A deep, spiritual connection to your purpose, and the opportunity to be fully self-expressed

· A positive model and legacy for your children as they witness what it looks like to go after your dreams, face challenges, persevere and succeed.

You’d feel confident and in control, and able to get the clients or opportunities you’d like

· You’d have a business doing what you love and making money doing it

· You’d feel resilient, like you can face challenges and setbacks

· You’d feel like equal contributor to family income

· You’d have financial freedom (a comfortable income, free of debt)

· You’d be your own boss, have control over your schedule so you can be there more for your kids

· You’d be a positive role model for your kids – show them what it looks like to go after what you want, be confident and successful (to be proud and inspired by you)

Other possible extra benefits (depending on what I focus on)

· Increased effectiveness in personal and professional life as you prioritize (better??)

· A paradigm shift in how you see marketing and sales so you can forever create demand for your products and services in a way that feels authentic and comfortable to you

Could coaching be a fit for you?

You are looking for clarity around how best to make a difference, what you offer, how best to communicate all of that

You want confidence in how you present yourself to the world


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